
Showing posts from March, 2014

Irregular Expressions

 A lazy day in office and i was trying to find something in the logs and was using "grep" to locate certain issues in the traces, And it is quite common to combine grep with regular expressions, it was taking a while to list the results and my mind was wandering about the name "regular expressions" !!!  It was an Eureka moment for me as i always felt that the word "expression" goes very well with the blog, also it is very rare people blog regularly, so i felt "irregular expressions" would be an ideal/apt name for the blog. So this is history behind the name "irregular expression" for this blog :) Having the word "irregular" gives the freedom of expression whenever we want also an easy explanation for delay in posts as they will be "irregular" :)  So one day during our daily trip to office i told Shande about this name and he was very excited about the idea as he is a regular blogger  . We had a discussi

Car Anthem

Car Anthem ? it is the song which is most frequently played in my car. which is that song ? well, it's Chikku Bukku Raile from the tamil movie Gentleman. I wonder how this 20+ year old song composed A.R. Rahman is still refreshing and provides ultimate josh in my josh-machine !